Common Problems

3rd party apps not working

If the app is for our script, make sure you haven't renamed our scripts to something else in your resources folder. Make sure you also have the latest version of each script.

If the app is for a script of someone else, make sure Config.Apps is setup correctly and the iframe and displayMehtod are correct.

Websites not showing in browser

The script uses iframes to display external websites within its interface. However, many websites block their content from being embedded in this way due to security restrictions. As a result, some pages won’t load in the iframe. This limitation comes from the websites themselves, not the script.

qb_tk_darkweb or qb_tk_drugs not working in laptop

Make sure you have changed the iframe locations in config.lua

  • 'https://cfx-nui-esx_tk_drugs/html/index.html' -> 'https://cfx-nui-qb_tk_drugs/html/index.html'

  • 'https://cfx-nui-esx_tk_darkweb/html/index.html' -> 'https://cfx-nui-qb_tk_darkweb/html/index.html'

SCRIPT ERROR: ?:-1: attempt to index a nil value (field 'lib')

Make sure you add shared_script '@ox_lib/init.lua' to fxmanifest.lua if you have Config.UseOxLib set to true

Last updated