Common problems

Failed to verify protected resource

Files were possibly corrupted during transfer. Ensure hidden files are copied; the .fxap file in a protected resource must be included. Some FTP programs skip these files.

You lack the required entitlement to use

Try restarting your server and make sure your server license key is correct. If you bought the resource on the wrong account, you can transfer it to another account on keymaster.

ERROR: Attempt to index a nil value (global ‘lib’)

If you use ox_lib, make sure you add shared_script '@ox_lib/init.lua' to fxmanifest.lua. If you don't use ox_lib, set Config.UseOxLib to false.

ERROR: Unknown column 'x' in 'field list'

Make sure you import the sql included with the script to your server's database. If you are unsure how to do this, you can lookup a tutorial on Youtube for example.

Changing currency symbol

Go to locales/en.lua (or the file for your chosen language) and update the symbol there.

Addon vehicle name showing as NULL

You need to add names for all your addon vehicles using AddTextEntry. This can be placed in any client-side script. For example:

AddTextEntry('gtr', 'Skyline GTR 17')

Other issues, errors or bugs

For other issues, first make sure you have the latest version of the script downloaded from Keymaster. If the issue persists, make sure you read through the README file of the script and check the "Common problems" of that certain script in our documentation (if such page exists). If after all that the script still doesn't work, then open a ticket in our Discord and we will assist you.

Last updated