Common questions & problems

Adding new tow trucks

Go to config.luaConfig.TowVehicles and add your vehicle model there.

If the towed vehicle's position is incorrect, open client/main_editable.lua and edit the AttachVehToTowTruck function to adjust the position based on the tow truck model.

Adding multiple mechanics/jobs

The following config includes 3 different mechanics (job names mechanic, mechanic2 and mechanic3). They use mostly same coords as this is just here as an example.


Config.DebugMode = false -- false / true
Config.Locale = 'en' -- locale (en / fi)
Config.NotificationType = 'esx' -- esx / mythic
Config.WebhookColor = 2845391 -- color for webhook (decimal)
Config.JobChangeEvent = 'esx:setJob' -- name of the event that is triggered on job change
Config.MenuAlign = 'top-left' -- align for esx menus

Config.InteractKey = 38 -- key used for interactions
Config.SecondaryInteractKey = 246 -- secondary key used for interactions
Config.MenuFocusChangeKey = 19 -- key used for changing focus while the tuning menu is open (!! CHECK SCRIPT.JS FILE INSIDE HTML FOLDER IF YOU WANT TO CHANGE IT !!)
Config.MenuKey = 'F6' -- key used to open the job menu
Config.EnableJobMenu = true -- false / true, should the job menu be enabled
Config.OnlyShowActive = false -- false / true, show only blips of jobs that have players online
Config.PoliceJobs = {
    police = 1,

Config.UseOx = false -- false / true, remember to add "shared_script '@ox_lib/init.lua'" to fxmanifest.lua if set to true
Config.OxTextPosition = 'right-center' -- position for the ox_lib showTextUI text
Config.UseOxInvSystem = false -- false / true, should the ox_inventory inv menu be used in storages
Config.UseOxTarget = false -- false / true, set to true if you want to use ox_target
Config.UseVehOxTarget = false -- false / true, should there be target options for repairing, cleaning, lockpicking and impounding vehicles for mechanics

Config.AdminGroups = { -- group names that are admins on your server
    admin = true,

Config.CloseMenuOnVehicleExit = true -- true / false, should tuning menu be closed when exiting the vehicle
Config.PlayObjectSound = true -- true / false, should the sound be played when placing / removing objects

Config.JobActions = { -- actions that certain jobs can do
    mechanic = { -- job name
    mechanic2 = { -- job name
    mechanic3 = { -- job name

Config.JobActionSettings = { -- settings for mechanic job actions
    mechanic = {
        repair = {
            dict = 'mini@repair',
            name = 'fixing_a_ped',
            blendInSpeed = 4.0,
            blendOutSpeed = 4.0,
            duration = -1,
            flag = 31,
            time = 5000,
        clean = {
            scenario = 'WORLD_HUMAN_MAID_CLEAN', -- remove this line if you want to use the animation instead
            dict = 'mini@repair',
            name = 'fixing_a_ped',
            blendInSpeed = 4.0,
            blendOutSpeed = 4.0,
            duration = -1,
            flag = 31,
            time = 5000,
        lockpick = {
            scenario = 'WORLD_HUMAN_WELDING', -- remove this line if you want to use the animation instead
            dict = 'mini@repair',
            name = 'fixing_a_ped',
            blendInSpeed = 4.0,
            blendOutSpeed = 4.0,
            duration = -1,
            flag = 31,
            time = 5000,
        impound = {
            scenario = 'WORLD_HUMAN_CLIPBOARD', -- remove this line if you want to use the animation instead
            dict = 'mini@repair',
            name = 'fixing_a_ped',
            blendInSpeed = 4.0,
            blendOutSpeed = 4.0,
            duration = -1,
            flag = 31,
            time = 5000,
        objects = {
            {label = _U('road_cone'), value = 'prop_roadcone02a'},
            {label = _U('tool_box'),  value = 'prop_toolchest_01'},
    mechanic2 = {
        repair = {
            dict = 'mini@repair',
            name = 'fixing_a_ped',
            blendInSpeed = 4.0,
            blendOutSpeed = 4.0,
            duration = -1,
            flag = 31,
            time = 5000,
        clean = {
            scenario = 'WORLD_HUMAN_MAID_CLEAN', -- remove this line if you want to use the animation instead
            dict = 'mini@repair',
            name = 'fixing_a_ped',
            blendInSpeed = 4.0,
            blendOutSpeed = 4.0,
            duration = -1,
            flag = 31,
            time = 5000,
        lockpick = {
            scenario = 'WORLD_HUMAN_WELDING', -- remove this line if you want to use the animation instead
            dict = 'mini@repair',
            name = 'fixing_a_ped',
            blendInSpeed = 4.0,
            blendOutSpeed = 4.0,
            duration = -1,
            flag = 31,
            time = 5000,
        impound = {
            scenario = 'WORLD_HUMAN_CLIPBOARD', -- remove this line if you want to use the animation instead
            dict = 'mini@repair',
            name = 'fixing_a_ped',
            blendInSpeed = 4.0,
            blendOutSpeed = 4.0,
            duration = -1,
            flag = 31,
            time = 5000,
        objects = {
            {label = _U('road_cone'), value = 'prop_roadcone02a'},
            {label = _U('tool_box'),  value = 'prop_toolchest_01'},
    mechanic3 = {
        repair = {
            dict = 'mini@repair',
            name = 'fixing_a_ped',
            blendInSpeed = 4.0,
            blendOutSpeed = 4.0,
            duration = -1,
            flag = 31,
            time = 5000,
        clean = {
            scenario = 'WORLD_HUMAN_MAID_CLEAN', -- remove this line if you want to use the animation instead
            dict = 'mini@repair',
            name = 'fixing_a_ped',
            blendInSpeed = 4.0,
            blendOutSpeed = 4.0,
            duration = -1,
            flag = 31,
            time = 5000,
        lockpick = {
            scenario = 'WORLD_HUMAN_WELDING', -- remove this line if you want to use the animation instead
            dict = 'mini@repair',
            name = 'fixing_a_ped',
            blendInSpeed = 4.0,
            blendOutSpeed = 4.0,
            duration = -1,
            flag = 31,
            time = 5000,
        impound = {
            scenario = 'WORLD_HUMAN_CLIPBOARD', -- remove this line if you want to use the animation instead
            dict = 'mini@repair',
            name = 'fixing_a_ped',
            blendInSpeed = 4.0,
            blendOutSpeed = 4.0,
            duration = -1,
            flag = 31,
            time = 5000,
        objects = {
            {label = _U('road_cone'), value = 'prop_roadcone02a'},
            {label = _U('tool_box'),  value = 'prop_toolchest_01'},

Config.Jobs = {
    mechanic = { -- remmember to add to locale file too
        blip = {
            enable = true,
            coords = vec3(-212.09, -1324.21, 31.98),
            color = 1,
            scale = 0.8,
            sprite = 446,
        cloakroom = {
            coords = { -- you can add multiple coords here
                {coords = vec3(-224.43, -1320.27, 30.89), dist = 4, size = vec3(2, 2, 2), rotation = 0}, -- coords, distance at which you will see the marker, size and rotation are ONLY USED IF "Config.Ox = true"
            marker = {
                type = 20,
                scaleX = 0.3,
                scaleY = 0.3,
                scaleZ = 0.3,
                r = 255,
                g = 255,
                b = 255,
                a = 150,
                bob = false,
                faceCamera = true,
            clothes = {
                work_clothes = {
                    male = {
                        tshirt_1 = 15,  tshirt_2 = 0,
                        torso_1 = 241,   torso_2 = 0,
                        decals_1 = 0,   decals_2 = 0,
                        arms = 19,
                        pants_1 = 98,   pants_2 = 2,
                        shoes_1 = 25,   shoes_2 = 0,
                        mask_1 = 0,   mask_2 = 0,
                    female = {
                        tshirt_1 = 15,   tshirt_2 = 0,
                        torso_1 = 259,    torso_2 = 2,
                        decals_1 = 0,   decals_2 = 0,
                        arms = 31,
                        pants_1 = 100,   pants_2 = 2,
                        shoes_1 = 25,    shoes_2 = 0,
                        mask_1 = 0,   mask_2 = 0,
        bossmenu = {
            coords = {
                {coords = vec3(-212.26, -1340.78, 34.89), dist = 4}
            marker = {
                type = 20,
                scaleX = 0.3,
                scaleY = 0.3,
                scaleZ = 0.3,
                r = 255,
                g = 255,
                b = 255,
                a = 150,
                bob = false,
                faceCamera = true,
            grade = 3,
        storage = {
            coords = {
                {coords = vec3(-216.26, -1319.1, 30.89), dist = 4, name = 'storage'}, -- remember to add to database too if you add new storages
                {coords = vec3(-196.44, -1314.9, 31.09), dist = 4, name = 'storage2'},
            marker = {
                type = 20,
                scaleX = 0.3,
                scaleY = 0.3,
                scaleZ = 0.3,
                r = 255,
                g = 255,
                b = 255,
                a = 150,
                bob = false,
                faceCamera = true,
        crafting = { -- where can the employees craft items, leave empty if they should be able to craft everywhere
            {coords = vec3(-198.21, -1317.92, 31.09), dist = 8},
        vehicles = {
            coords = {
                take = { -- where you can take out vehicles
                    {coords = vec3(-190.4, -1307.94, 31.29), dist = 8},
                spawn = { -- spawnpoints for vehicles
                    vec4(-183.46, -1314.3, 31.3, 2.41),
                    vec4(-188.78, -1289.02, 31.3, 185.41),
                ['return'] = { -- where you can return vehicles back to garage
                    {coords = vec3(-173.22, -1304.71, 31.3), dist = 5},
                returnNPCVeh = {coords = vec3(-158.29, -1297.14, 31.03), dist = 8}
            marker = {
                type = 20,
                scaleX = 0.3,
                scaleY = 0.3,
                scaleZ = 0.3,
                r = 255,
                g = 255,
                b = 255,
                a = 150,
                bob = false,
                faceCamera = true,
            models = {
                flatbed = 0, -- car model, min job grade needed to take out vehicle
                towtruck2 = 0,
            societyVehicles = false, -- enable society vehicles (true / false)
        tuningMenus = { -- tuning menus can also be defined here (instead of listing the jobs and coords in Config.TuningMenus)
            [1] = { -- the index ([1]) is the "tuningMenuIndex" in Config.TuningMenus, grade = min job grade needed
                grade = 0,
                locations = {
                    {coords = vec3(-213.3, -1324.39, 30.89), dist = 10},
    mechanic2 = { -- remmember to add to locale file too
        blip = {
            enable = true,
            coords = vec3(-212.09, -1324.21, 31.98),
            color = 1,
            scale = 0.8,
            sprite = 446,
        cloakroom = {
            coords = { -- you can add multiple coords here
                {coords = vec3(-224.43, -1320.27, 30.89), dist = 4, size = vec3(2, 2, 2), rotation = 0}, -- coords, distance at which you will see the marker, size and rotation are ONLY USED IF "Config.Ox = true"
            marker = {
                type = 20,
                scaleX = 0.3,
                scaleY = 0.3,
                scaleZ = 0.3,
                r = 255,
                g = 255,
                b = 255,
                a = 150,
                bob = false,
                faceCamera = true,
            clothes = {
                work_clothes = {
                    male = {
                        tshirt_1 = 15,  tshirt_2 = 0,
                        torso_1 = 241,   torso_2 = 0,
                        decals_1 = 0,   decals_2 = 0,
                        arms = 19,
                        pants_1 = 98,   pants_2 = 2,
                        shoes_1 = 25,   shoes_2 = 0,
                        mask_1 = 0,   mask_2 = 0,
                    female = {
                        tshirt_1 = 15,   tshirt_2 = 0,
                        torso_1 = 259,    torso_2 = 2,
                        decals_1 = 0,   decals_2 = 0,
                        arms = 31,
                        pants_1 = 100,   pants_2 = 2,
                        shoes_1 = 25,    shoes_2 = 0,
                        mask_1 = 0,   mask_2 = 0,
        bossmenu = {
            coords = {
                {coords = vec3(-212.26, -1340.78, 34.89), dist = 4}
            marker = {
                type = 20,
                scaleX = 0.3,
                scaleY = 0.3,
                scaleZ = 0.3,
                r = 255,
                g = 255,
                b = 255,
                a = 150,
                bob = false,
                faceCamera = true,
            grade = 3,
        storage = {
            coords = {
                {coords = vec3(-216.26, -1319.1, 30.89), dist = 4, name = 'storage'}, -- remember to add to database too if you add new storages
                {coords = vec3(-196.44, -1314.9, 31.09), dist = 4, name = 'storage2'},
            marker = {
                type = 20,
                scaleX = 0.3,
                scaleY = 0.3,
                scaleZ = 0.3,
                r = 255,
                g = 255,
                b = 255,
                a = 150,
                bob = false,
                faceCamera = true,
        crafting = { -- where can the employees craft items, leave empty if they should be able to craft everywhere
            {coords = vec3(-198.21, -1317.92, 31.09), dist = 8},
        vehicles = {
            coords = {
                take = { -- where you can take out vehicles
                    {coords = vec3(-190.4, -1307.94, 31.29), dist = 8},
                spawn = { -- spawnpoints for vehicles
                    vec4(-183.46, -1314.3, 31.3, 2.41),
                    vec4(-188.78, -1289.02, 31.3, 185.41),
                ['return'] = { -- where you can return vehicles back to garage
                    {coords = vec3(-173.22, -1304.71, 31.3), dist = 5},
                returnNPCVeh = {coords = vec3(-158.29, -1297.14, 31.03), dist = 8}
            marker = {
                type = 20,
                scaleX = 0.3,
                scaleY = 0.3,
                scaleZ = 0.3,
                r = 255,
                g = 255,
                b = 255,
                a = 150,
                bob = false,
                faceCamera = true,
            models = {
                flatbed = 0, -- car model, min job grade needed to take out vehicle
                towtruck2 = 0,
            societyVehicles = false, -- enable society vehicles (true / false)
        tuningMenus = { -- tuning menus can also be defined here (instead of listing the jobs and coords in Config.TuningMenus)
            [1] = { -- the index ([1]) is the "tuningMenuIndex" in Config.TuningMenus, grade = min job grade needed
                grade = 0,
                locations = {
                    {coords = vec3(-213.3, -1324.39, 30.89), dist = 10},
    mechanic3 = { -- remmember to add to locale file too
        blip = {
            enable = true,
            coords = vec3(-212.09, -1324.21, 31.98),
            color = 1,
            scale = 0.8,
            sprite = 446,
        cloakroom = {
            coords = { -- you can add multiple coords here
                {coords = vec3(-224.43, -1320.27, 30.89), dist = 4, size = vec3(2, 2, 2), rotation = 0}, -- coords, distance at which you will see the marker, size and rotation are ONLY USED IF "Config.Ox = true"
            marker = {
                type = 20,
                scaleX = 0.3,
                scaleY = 0.3,
                scaleZ = 0.3,
                r = 255,
                g = 255,
                b = 255,
                a = 150,
                bob = false,
                faceCamera = true,
            clothes = {
                work_clothes = {
                    male = {
                        tshirt_1 = 15,  tshirt_2 = 0,
                        torso_1 = 241,   torso_2 = 0,
                        decals_1 = 0,   decals_2 = 0,
                        arms = 19,
                        pants_1 = 98,   pants_2 = 2,
                        shoes_1 = 25,   shoes_2 = 0,
                        mask_1 = 0,   mask_2 = 0,
                    female = {
                        tshirt_1 = 15,   tshirt_2 = 0,
                        torso_1 = 259,    torso_2 = 2,
                        decals_1 = 0,   decals_2 = 0,
                        arms = 31,
                        pants_1 = 100,   pants_2 = 2,
                        shoes_1 = 25,    shoes_2 = 0,
                        mask_1 = 0,   mask_2 = 0,
        bossmenu = {
            coords = {
                {coords = vec3(-212.26, -1340.78, 34.89), dist = 4}
            marker = {
                type = 20,
                scaleX = 0.3,
                scaleY = 0.3,
                scaleZ = 0.3,
                r = 255,
                g = 255,
                b = 255,
                a = 150,
                bob = false,
                faceCamera = true,
            grade = 3,
        storage = {
            coords = {
                {coords = vec3(-216.26, -1319.1, 30.89), dist = 4, name = 'storage'}, -- remember to add to database too if you add new storages
                {coords = vec3(-196.44, -1314.9, 31.09), dist = 4, name = 'storage2'},
            marker = {
                type = 20,
                scaleX = 0.3,
                scaleY = 0.3,
                scaleZ = 0.3,
                r = 255,
                g = 255,
                b = 255,
                a = 150,
                bob = false,
                faceCamera = true,
        crafting = { -- where can the employees craft items, leave empty if they should be able to craft everywhere
            {coords = vec3(-198.21, -1317.92, 31.09), dist = 8},
        vehicles = {
            coords = {
                take = { -- where you can take out vehicles
                    {coords = vec3(-190.4, -1307.94, 31.29), dist = 8},
                spawn = { -- spawnpoints for vehicles
                    vec4(-183.46, -1314.3, 31.3, 2.41),
                    vec4(-188.78, -1289.02, 31.3, 185.41),
                ['return'] = { -- where you can return vehicles back to garage
                    {coords = vec3(-173.22, -1304.71, 31.3), dist = 5},
                returnNPCVeh = {coords = vec3(-158.29, -1297.14, 31.03), dist = 8}
            marker = {
                type = 20,
                scaleX = 0.3,
                scaleY = 0.3,
                scaleZ = 0.3,
                r = 255,
                g = 255,
                b = 255,
                a = 150,
                bob = false,
                faceCamera = true,
            models = {
                flatbed = 0, -- car model, min job grade needed to take out vehicle
                towtruck2 = 0,
            societyVehicles = false, -- enable society vehicles (true / false)
        tuningMenus = { -- tuning menus can also be defined here (instead of listing the jobs and coords in Config.TuningMenus)
            [1] = { -- the index ([1]) is the "tuningMenuIndex" in Config.TuningMenus, grade = min job grade needed
                grade = 0,
                locations = {
                    {coords = vec3(-211.84, -1304.24, 31.29), dist = 10},

Config.Recipes = {
    tools = { -- category name
        items = { -- items that you can make
            engine_kit = { -- name of item that will be made
                --metal = 1, -- ingredientsneeded for the item, name and amount
                --copper = 1,
            body_kit = {
            repair_kit = {
        jobs = { -- jobs that can make these items
            mechanic = 0, -- name of job, grade needed
            mechanic2 = 0, -- name of job, grade needed
            mechanic3 = 0, -- name of job, grade needed
        animation = { -- settings for animation that is used when making these
            dict = 'mini@repair',
            name = 'fixing_a_player',
            blendInSpeed = 4.0,
            blendOutSpeed = 4.0,
            duration = -1,
            flag = 31,
            time = 5000, -- time to craft

Config.Items = {
    engine_kit = {
        animation = { -- settings for animation that is used when making these
            dict = 'mini@repair',
            name = 'fixing_a_ped',
            blendInSpeed = 4.0,
            blendOutSpeed = 4.0,
            duration = -1,
            flag = 31,
            time = 5000, -- time to craft
    body_kit = {
        animation = {
            dict = 'mini@repair',
            name = 'fixing_a_ped',
            blendInSpeed = 4.0,
            blendOutSpeed = 4.0,
            duration = -1,
            flag = 31,
            time = 5000,
    repair_kit = {
        animation = {
            dict = 'mini@repair',
            name = 'fixing_a_ped',
            blendInSpeed = 4.0,
            blendOutSpeed = 4.0,
            duration = -1,
            flag = 31,
            time = 5000,

Config.Shops = {
    tools = { -- category name (remmember to add to locale file too)
        items = { -- items that you can purchase
            repair_kit = 10, -- name of item, price
        jobs = { -- jobs that can purchase items
            mechanic = 0, -- name of job, grade needed
            mechanic2 = 0, -- name of job, grade needed
            mechanic3 = 0, -- name of job, grade needed
        coords = {
            {coords = vec3(2848.72, 4450.18, 48.51), dist = 8},
        blip = {
            enable = true,
            color = 0, -- (Scroll to the bottom)
            scale = 0.8, -- This needs to be a float (eg. 1.0, 1.2, 2.0)
            sprite = 402, --
        marker = {
            type = 20,
            scaleX = 0.3,
            scaleY = 0.3,
            scaleZ = 0.3,
            r = 255,
            g = 255,
            b = 255,
            a = 150,
            bob = false,
            faceCamera = true,
        useSocietyAccount = false -- false / true, should society account be used when purchasing items, otherwise player's own money will be used

Config.TuningMenus = { -- you can add more tuning locations here
    [1] = { -- the number here is the "tuningMenuIndex" if you want to define tuning locations in Config.Jobs
        takeAccount = 'society', -- society / money / bank / black_money, where should the money be taken from when tuning
        rewardAccount = { -- should money be rewarded somewhere when purchasing mods (in percentages of total sum), for example, if "money = 30", 30% of the total money spent on the mods would be given to the player after purchasing the mods
            society = 0,
            money = 0,
            bank = 0,
            black_money = 0,
        mods = {
            upgrades = {
                modEngine = {
                    modType = 11,
                    price = {13.95, 32.56, 65.12, 139.53, 179.3}
                modBrakes = {
                    modType = 12,
                    price = {4.65, 9.3, 18.6, 13.95}
                modTransmission = {
                    modType = 13,
                    price = {13.95, 20.93, 46.51, 66.1}
                modSuspension = {
                    modType = 15,
                    price = {3.72, 7.44, 14.88, 29.77, 40.2}
                modArmor = {
                    modType = 16,
                    price = {69.77, 116.28, 130.00, 150.00, 180.00, 190.00}
                modTurbo = {
                    modType = 17,
                    price = 55.81
            bodyParts = {
                modSpoilers = {
                    modType = 0,
                    price = 4.65
                modFrontBumper = {
                    modType = 1,
                    price = 5.12
                modRearBumper = {
                    modType = 2,
                    price = 5.12
                modSideSkirt = {
                    modType = 3,
                    price = 4.65
                modExhaust = {
                    modType = 4,
                    price = 5.12
                modFrame = {
                    modType = 5,
                    price = 5.12
                modGrille = {
                    modType = 6,
                    price = 3.72
                modHood = {
                    modType = 7,
                    price = 3.72
                modLeftFender = {
                    modType = 8,
                    price = 5.12
                modRightFender = {
                    modType = 9,
                    price = 5.12
                modRoof = {
                    modType = 10,
                    price = 5.58
            wheels = {
                sportWheels = {
                    modType = 23,
                    wheelType = 0,
                    price = 4.5
                muscleWheels = {
                    modType = 23,
                    wheelType = 1,
                    price = 4.5
                lowriderWheels = {
                    modType = 23,
                    wheelType = 2,
                    price = 4.5
                suvWheels = {
                    modType = 23,
                    wheelType = 3,
                    price = 4.5
                allTerrainWheels = {
                    modType = 23,
                    wheelType = 4,
                    price = 4.5
                tuningWheels = {
                    modType = 23,
                    wheelType = 5,
                    price = 4.5
                motorcycleWheels = {
                    modType = 23,
                    wheelType = 6,
                    price = 4.5
                highEndWheels = {
                    modType = 23,
                    wheelType = 7,
                    price = 4.5
                bennysOriginalWheels = {
                    modType = 23,
                    wheelType = 8,
                    price = 4.5
                bennysBespokeWheels = {
                    modType = 23,
                    wheelType = 9,
                    price = 4.5
                openWheels = {
                    modType = 23,
                    wheelType = 10,
                    price = 4.5
                streetWheels = {
                    modType = 23,
                    wheelType = 11,
                    price = 4.5
                trackWheels = {
                    modType = 23,
                    wheelType = 12,
                    price = 5.12
            colors = {
                primaryPaintType = {
                    modType = 'primaryPaintType',
                    price = 1.12,
                customPrimaryColor = {
                    modType = 'primaryColor',
                    price = 1.12,
                secondaryPaintType = {
                    modType = 'secondaryPaintType',
                    price = 1.12,
                customSecondaryColor = {
                    modType = 'secondaryColor',
                    price = 0.66,
                wheelColor = {
                    modType = 'wheelColor',
                    price = 0.66,
                pearlescentColor = {
                    modType = 'pearlescentColor',
                    price = 0.88,
                neonColor = {
                    modType = 'neonColor',
                    price = 1.12,
                xenonColor = {
                    modType = 'xenonColor',
                    price = 1.12,
                tyreSmokeColor = {
                    modType = 'tyreSmokeColor',
                    price = 1.12,
                interiorColor = {
                    modType = 'interiorColor',
                    price = 1.12,
            cosmetics = {
                modPlateHolder = {
                    modType = 25,
                    price = 3.49
                modVanityPlate = {
                    modType = 26,
                    price = 1.1
                modInterior = {
                    modType = 27,
                    price = 6.98
                modTrim = {
                    modType = 28,
                    price = 0.9
                modDashboard = {
                    modType = 29,
                    price = 4.65
                modSpeedometer = {
                    modType = 30,
                    price = 4.19
                modDoorSpeakers = {
                    modType = 31,
                    price = 5.58
                modSeats = {
                    modType = 32,
                    price = 4.65
                modSteeringWheel = {
                    modType = 33,
                    price = 4.19
                modGearLever = {
                    modType = 34,
                    price = 3.26
                modQuarterDeck = {
                    modType = 35,
                    price = 4.19
                modSpeakers = {
                    modType = 36,
                    price = 6.98
                modTrunk = {
                    modType = 37,
                    price = 5.58
                modHydraulic = {
                    modType = 38,
                    price = 5.12
                modEngineBlock = {
                    modType = 39,
                    price = 5.12
                modAirFilter = {
                    modType = 40,
                    price = 3.72
                modStruts = {
                    modType = 41,
                    price = 6.51
                modArchCover = {
                    modType = 42,
                    price = 4.19
                modAerials = {
                    modType = 43,
                    price = 1.12
                modWings = {
                    modType = 44,
                    price = 6.05
                modTank = {
                    modType = 45,
                    price = 4.19
                modWindows = {
                    modType = 46,
                    price = 4.19
            extras = {
                price = 2.0,
            other = {
                modLivery = {
                    modType = 48,
                    price = 9.3
                modExtraLivery = {
                    modType = 'modLivery',
                    price = 9.3
                plateIndex = {
                    modType = 'plateIndex',
                    price = 1.1
                windowTint = {
                    modType = 'windowTint',
                    price = 1.12
                modHorns = {
                    modType = 14,
                    price = 1.12
        jobs = {},
        vehicleClasses = { -- restrict certain menus to certain vehicle classes, if there are no classes then you can tune all vehicles
            --[8] = true, -- only motorcycles for example
        coords = {},
        --[[marker = {
            type = 20,
            scaleX = 0.3,
            scaleY = 0.3,
            scaleZ = 0.3,
            r = 255,
            g = 255,
            b = 255,
            a = 150,
            bob = false,
            faceCamera = true,

Config.TowVehicles = { -- you can add more vehicles that can be used to tow other vehicles here

Config.NPCJobCarSpawnDist = 200 -- dist at which the NPC job car will spawn
Config.NPCJobNearDist = 20
Config.NPCJobReward = { -- reward for completing NPC tow job
    type = 'money', -- society / money / bank / black_money
    amount = {min = 50, max = 100},
Config.NPCJobCarSpawnpoints = {
	vector3(-2480.9, -212.0, 17.4),
	vector3(-2723.4, 13.2, 15.1),
	vector3(-3169.6, 976.2, 15.0),
	vector3(-3139.8, 1078.7, 20.2),
	vector3(-1656.9, -246.2, 54.5),
	vector3(-1586.7, -647.6, 29.4),
	vector3(-1036.1, -491.1, 36.2),
	vector3(-1029.2, -475.5, 36.4),
	vector3(75.2, 164.9, 104.7),
	vector3(-534.6, -756.7, 31.6),
	vector3(487.2, -30.8, 88.9),
	vector3(-772.2, -1281.8, 4.6),
	vector3(-663.8, -1207.0, 10.2),
	vector3(719.1, -767.8, 24.9),
	vector3(-971.0, -2410.4, 13.3),
	vector3(-1067.5, -2571.4, 13.2),
	vector3(-619.2, -2207.3, 5.6),
	vector3(1192.1, -1336.9, 35.1),
	vector3(-432.8, -2166.1, 9.9),
	vector3(-451.8, -2269.3, 7.2),
	vector3(939.3, -2197.5, 30.5),
	vector3(-556.1, -1794.7, 22.0),
	vector3(591.7, -2628.2, 5.6),
	vector3(1654.5, -2535.8, 74.5),
	vector3(1642.6, -2413.3, 93.1),
	vector3(1371.3, -2549.5, 47.6),
	vector3(383.8, -1652.9, 37.3),
	vector3(27.2, -1030.9, 29.4),
	vector3(229.3, -365.9, 43.8),
	vector3(-85.8, -51.7, 61.1),
	vector3(-4.6, -670.3, 31.9),
	vector3(-111.9, 92.0, 71.1),
	vector3(-314.3, -698.2, 32.5),
	vector3(-366.9, 115.5, 65.6),
	vector3(-592.1, 138.2, 60.1),
	vector3(-1613.9, 18.8, 61.8),
	vector3(-1709.8, 55.1, 65.7),
	vector3(-521.9, -266.8, 34.9),
	vector3(-451.1, -333.5, 34.0),
	vector3(322.4, -1900.5, 25.8)
Config.NPCJobVehicles = { -- vehicle models that can spawn when doing NPC jobs
Config.NPCJobDeliveryMarker = {
    type = 20,
    scaleX = 0.3,
    scaleY = 0.3,
    scaleZ = 0.3,
    r = 255,
    g = 255,
    b = 255,
    a = 150,
    bob = false,
    faceCamera = true,

Last updated