Common questions

Do you sell open source?

We don't. No matter how much you are willing to pay or how big your server is, we don't sell open source.

Because of this, in our new scripts all framework specific events and functions are editable so you are able to make the script work with any frameworks/inventories/etc.

Can you give me a discount?

We randomly run sales in our Discord. We also have some bundles with sales. Other than that, we don't do discounts for a single person or do custom bundles.

Can you add or change something in this script?

You can always request feature changes for our scripts via tickets. Depending on your request and how busy we are, we might or might not complete your request.

Do you do custom work?

Unfortunately we currently don't have time for custom work.

Can I edit the UIs of your scripts?

tk_darkweb, tk_mechanicjob, tk_drugs

These scripts are made with pure HTML, CSS and JS meaning you are able to edit them freely.

Other scripts

While it is technically possible to edit the UI the process is not straightforward because we use React and the code has been "built" into a static bundle for production. This means the original source code isn't directly editable in the built version.

For simple changes like background colors, it might be possible to override some styles using custom CSS, but more complex changes would likely require editing the source code which we do not provide.

Last updated